What is this 'Good' Friday?
Why is it called 'Good'?
I hear that someone died this day
What's the big deal?
Even you and me one day would
What's so 'Good' about this Friday
Just that someone was hung on a tree?
All criminals died the way He did
How is He different
Why should they have set him free?
They say He was the Son of God
That He died for you and me
They say He is our Saviour
Know the truth
And the truth shall set you free
I'd wonder why they call it 'Good' Friday
Shouldn't it be a day of mourning?
Why celebrate a day of someone's death
I know why
Because He took away all my suffering
Now I know why it is 'Good'
I realize the significance of that day
On the cross of Calvary my Saviour died
He shed His blood
So that we could live this day
Today I celebrate Good Friday
Because for me He paid the price
But every cell in my body now knows
That He is God
And on the third day, from the grave

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